qiitp - Front Desk

What are the functions of the journal message toolbar?

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Please read below for a description of each button in each section.

  1. Cut
  2. Copy
  3. Paste - Use this when pasting images from your "Clipboard."
  4. Paste as plain text - Will paste copied letters/text without any formatting.
  5. Paste from Word - Pasting copied text from MS Word will keep all it's formatting.
    When pasting, a popup window will appear and you will need to press Ctrl + V. It may be simpler just to use this hotkey function straight into the message box.
  6. Undo
  7. Redo
  1. Spell Checker
  2. Link - Use this to reference other websites with clickable text to take you there.
    You can just paste the URL address into the popup or you can highlight existing text for the link to attach to.
  3. Unlink - Remove added link.
    You will need to select the link text.
  4. Anchor - There is no need to use this function.
  1. Image - We recommed adding images using the Paste tool from earlier.
  2. Table - Inserting tables
  3. Insert Horizontal Line - You can use a horizontal line to split up sections of your response.
  4. Insert Special Character - ...like symbols.
  5. Maximise - Make editor full screen
  1. Bold
  2. Italic
  3. Strikethrough
  4. Remove Formatting
  1. Insert/Remove Numbered List
  2. Insert/Remove Bullet Pointed List
  3. Decrease Indent
  4. Increase Indent
  5. Block Quote - Formats text like you see quotes in books.
  1. Formatting Styles - Displays text in a range of different looks. Drop down list to see options.
  2. Paragraph Format - Choose from Normal to different Heading formats.
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