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How do I clear or reduce my journal notification list?

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Are there times where you feel like you are swimming in a sea of journal notifications?
Read this article to discover strategies to get on top and stay on top of this essential communication tool.

Does this look like your notification icon?


Acknowledging notifications

These journal messages are to notify you that a quote is getting old.

  • A quote is valid for 14 days. After which, you will be required to requote.
  • If a quote exceeds 14 days, we recommend unquoting the room. This means you will no longer get these notifications,
  • Once a quote is 7 weeks old, it is automatically marked as "Lost."

To clear this message, simply click Acknowledge.

Replying to questions or confirmations

For more information and a procedure on how to do this, click here.

Closing completed conversations

The reader of the last message in a conversation should click the Close action (Repeat, reader. Not the sender). This will end the conversation and make the thread inactive (ie. no new responses possible and saved into history).

Keeping questions to a single thread

When a question has been asked or a converstation started, any further communication on that topic* should be kept in that thread by using the Reply function. If you do this, less journal threads will be created, which means less journal responses to close later on.

*The conversation can also develop off the original talking point, so long as it flows. (ie. not if the conversation is finished, then you want to bring up a new topic. That is when you do this.

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