qiitp - Front Desk

How do I price in delivery?

Updated on

The article will take you through the process of calculating a delivery price for your room.

Select your method

Select your method
  1. Go to the Delivery page
  2. Click the Delivery option.

If this option is not available, it is because you haven't specified a Delivery Address.

Delivery inclusions and specifications

Delivery inclusions and specifications
  1. The zone is what defines the initial price of delivery, it should be automatically selected based on the Delivery Address in you Contacts page.
  2. Click this button to choose from additional rooms (if applicable) in your job.
  3. Extra Cabinets occur when a job contains more than 18 cabinets and is automatically generated by counting the cabinets from each room included.
  4. Stairs should be included when there is a multi-level dwelling where the cabinets will be taken up the stairs (external or internal). Do not select if there are only a few steps to the door.
  5. Additional Stairs should be used in conjunction with Stairs (#4). Enter the number of flights after the first.
  6. Elevators/Lifts should be selected when they are required to use in delivery.


  1. Difficult Access - refer to the description on screen.
  2. Specify the number of Benchtop slabs that are to be delivered to site.
  3. Select Small Delivery 1-5 when there are 5 or less cabinets in total to deliver.
  4. Ferry is when the delivery to to an address requiring the Ferry to be taken. (ie. Stradbroke or Macleay Islands)
  5. Select Small Delivery 6-10 when there are between 6 and 10 cabinets in total to deliver.
  6. Type any special Instructions that are required for the delivery.

Completed price

Completed price
  1. This contains the bulk of your delivery information. For this example there are Benchtops to be delivered, the site has Difficult Access and the Ferry will need to be taken. The Instructions are to leave the delivery in the garage.
  2. This is the total cost of delivery (ex GST). It will include your markup if you have applied one.
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